samedi 1 août 2009

Challenger for Loire Valley ?????

As the tasting are getting more interesting, Chenin is on the spot !
Imported probably by the Huguenots families centuries ago to the Cape, South Africa is today a serious contender for the best Chenin, since yields being more concerned.
It's if not my favourite, one of the purest grape in the world and quite misunderstood. It can produce an amazing array of wines, from dry to sweet, with oak or non and still be exquisite.
Top producer around are Jean Daneel on his Signature label 2005, with a such creamy texture that it can cope with a sirloin of south african beef.
Then you have Cederberg Chenin BLanc 2006, with a liner texture but a quite grassy mouthfeel that is perfect match for a fleshy angel fish serve with a sauce vierge.
As we already talk about, De Morgenzon, in Stellenbosch is aslo a very good producer with maybe a styler wine that suits more a john dory grilled with fennel.
I'm sure plenty over have to be tasted so lets Stellenbosch wine Festival !


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