mardi 4 août 2009

You said Kudu?

As an european I don't get very often in touch with Kudu.
I suppose this breed of antilope is consider as a game, but what a game, very tender and melting in the mouth, and no gamey flavour at all!
Serve with apple puree and a cabbage reduction, this was part of my dinner in Jardines, one of the best restaurant in town, good experience, good service nothing like a gastronomic experience but the all well packed.
The wine list grants a large place to Bordeaux but very little to wine by the glass.
A flabby chenin blanc and an oxidised merlot later the experience was more interesting for food.
Tasting side nothing tremedous today (but I will catch tomorrow !) apart the two whites from Eben Sadie, Sequillo 08 and Palladius 07, both tense and crayist as a Loire Chenin, the latter more influence by wood and viognier content.
Meerlust Merlot 1999, with a splendide evolution, gamey and leathery is auguring the best for tomorrow's visit.



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